

I feel the need to post, if not only for the pathetic reason that I haven't updated recently (not sure why). I wonder if nothing interesting is going on in my life. It sure seems that there's plenty going on - challenges, excitement, impatience, joy, frustration... loads of stuff. I had the lovely surprise of running into my dear friend Lita at the bus 8 stop on Friday, saw Parkrose High's Pirates of Penzance, learned a few words in Japanese (which I have forgotten), went running with Pamela, missed out on free snowboarding, phoned Courtnay, watched a few movies, learned a whole lot of new things, had a lot of weird dreams, felt excited about Josh coming next week, wondered how early Pamela and I should go to Sigur Ros, wondered what meaningful thing I should get for my sister for Graduation and my Mom for Mother's day, made a bunch of cards, picked up all the clothes off my floor, removed the bindings from Charles's old board,
and even did a little homework.


Spring Spring-y Spring

y mom was out planting lettuce and sugarsnap peas, my dad was mowing the lawn (and other things in the yard), and Pamela and I sat in our shorts and tanktops studying... Mmmmm.... so nice.


What Shape Are You

So I was feeling pretty good this morning - the sun was shining, the lawn mowers were out, I had made a big breakfast of crepes and was out for a good run, when a neighbor's would be friendly gesture brought me down out of the clouds (or blue sky, such as it was).

"You look pretty tired!"

"Heh... yeah... it's been too long since I've ran."

"Yeah - me, too, but I know it so I don't even try. ... You should get a bike!"

"Uh.. yeah, shoulda thought of that. It was just so nice I just wanted to get out."

"Yeah! You should get a nice Harley then you wont have to run!"

Thanks buddy. I know you meant well, but really - way to make a girl feel out of shape. Maybe next time I just won't wear shorts.


Close to Plath

So two days ago a pigeon poo'd on the sidewalk 5 centimeters from my flip flopped foot, someone fired a round from a car 5 blocks from me, and the strings on my guitar threatened to break; SNL was Linguistics class, Andy Warhol with his fright wigs and celebrities dominated Art History; I bought a plane ticket to Charlotte. One day ago class was skipped for mom-time, lunch was skipped for cereal, homework was skipped for scooter races and living room sitting. Today, french homework and a bedtime story by Sylvia Plath read, I made my way to Trader Joe's where dinner was found: a variety pack of sushi and 16 oz of Very Green, Joe's inexpensive alternative to Superfood. Minus the sunshine, a typical week in Oregon.



(random delights of this Easter)


Bla nótt yfir himininn

Bla nótt yfir mér
Horf-inn ut um gluggann
Minn með hendur
Faldar undir kinn
Hugsum daginn minn
Í dag og i gær

-Thunder and lightening on Easter.

-Cadbury Eggs and green tea.

-Harry Potter nerdiness and homework procrastination.


Easter Song in My Heart

In Christ alone, my hope is found
He is my Light, my strength, my Song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
Till on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Could ever pluck me from His hand
Till He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.



I am so blessed.
Such lovely friends came to visit last week.
(I'm sorry ladies - I know you don't like the last picture, but I heart it so much. It makes me happy, so I'm posting it.)
Meredith, Pamela, Evan, Danny, Megan

Seen scrawled on a 3rd floor Newburger Hall bathroom stall door:

"save a few trees, wipe your hands on your pants"


Rock Bottom, Pioneer Square and Coffee Time.

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Friday Night Downtown.

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Linguistics and Consonant Laughter

"It's like yoga - for your mouth!"

"When you're gona take a picture, nobody says, 'Say "too!"'" [in the brief introduction to vowels]

"That's not meaningful - that's just a blob."

"Some consonants are more... consonaty than others." [in reference to stops vs glides]

I guess these jokes fall more under the heading of "you had to be there" than anything else. Heh.


Productivity is My Favorite

You all thought I just enjoyed sitting in my room studying all those hours upon hours (or you were of the mind that I was actually crazy). But oh! it has paid off. Unfortunately, my brain became so overcrowded with artists, temperaments, stages of morality, crime and grammar that I was incapable of recalling my password into the PSU system and could not find out my grades until today. But the results are in and I am not just crazy. Well, now I'm crazy happy - yaaaay three A's and one B for me!

So many rad things in one day... I nearly can't handle it.

Nice customer service people at Powells.
Running in a sleeveless shirt rather than a thermal, hat and gloves.
Seeing Bob, Lita and Skylarr.
Having rad classes and [mostly] good profs
Reading Ezekiel on the bus.
Drinking a smoothie.


The Many Faces of Allison

Photographs Courtesy of Zoe Herbert-Hohn, age 3 (my cousin once removed).
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