
Oh Dear Me

How the time flys.
So, this week we are studying Hebrews, World Religions and Minor Prophets. I think it's gona go so fast.
And as we finalized travel plans today (and bought plane tickets - w00t!!), it seems so soon that we'll be done with 10 day outreach and Capers and England.
Speaking of, in case anyone was intersted in praying (*hint* ;)) my group consists of BJ (Colorado), Becky (N.England), Ashely (Beaverton), and me, and we are headed to Leyland Baptist Church in North Preston (about 45 minutes away). In a couple weeks we'll head there for a weekend to preview, basically, and then we'll go for the 10 days in the begining of March. Eeee. :)
Internet time also flies. Maybe it doesn't... maybe it's just so short that there's no way to know where it went.


Haha You Were Waiting.

It finally happened.
Today, for work duties....
They gave me a knife.
A Big Knife, at that.
Of course I cut myself.


Gleh. Stupid.

Emails are now officially equated with homesickness.
I was doing quite well and rather happy until i walked into this computer lab. Once arrived and signed in I was pelted with lovely emails from lovely people with lovely pictures of lovely times. And more engagment announcements that are expected yet jarring.
Still, I will check my mail and check those blogs. I suppose I'd rather be informed than wondering. Or maybe not. Wondering is fun. And then I can think whatever I like.
Either way, I'm still not there. Not that I really even want to be anywhere but here. I have a bedroom in a Castle, a window seat in lectures, 180 people who rock around me, daily lectures from people who Love Jesus. What really could be better for 12 January 2005.
And yet I sigh.



Hello dear ones, from southern England.... I'm here with my brother Daveo. (http://servantheart.blogspot.com - check it out)

This week has been a mass of running here and there, thither and yon, really.
Lesse... monday, left Cologne for Salisbury and Stonehenge. Tuesday to Bath (go there. now. it's amazing). Wednesday to Cardiff and back to London. And finally, thursday to Maidstone. And at last, here I will stay. For a day.
Theeeen it's back to Capers. And there I will Not move for at least 2 months. Not carry a backpack. Not buy a train ticket.

Dont get me wrong, all those things are fun and good, but I think for the moment they are done and gone. And Trace is gone; it was a strange morning - to travel alone on a train. But I have enough good memories stored up to keep me for a while.

This is my school picture.
(Hehe.... this makes my 3rd one *ever*) Posted by Hello


Beilefeld to Hannover

Probably the most romantic, in every
sense of the word, scene I have ever
looked upon.
Dense, grey mist gives way to
reveal a mountain (by English
standards. In Germany, it is probably
a hill.) Up from the firs rises a
lonely, stone ruin; An archade
wearing a cross
Watches a churning river, a small
red tiled town
And the traveler who mistakenly
sits in 1st class, watching and dreaming.