
Mini Update

It's late and I just showered, and though I am excited to head to bed after another fun and exhausting day in the Bay Area, I was dying to check the PSU website to see if my grades had been posted. Sure enough, they have finally been posted and I have my first PSU 4.0! My gpa is now up to 3.70- in my about to fall over stupor, I still have the capacity to be really stoked about that. Yay for a weird quarter turning out to aid my gpa... nice to know it was good for something, right?


emelina said...

ah! congrats! that is a huge deal. i am impressed. :)

Emma Rose said...


° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Allison, you are very clever.
a year ago, 4.0 would mean nothing to me, except maybe 4% which is below average. But now I know 4.0 is a nice number to get on your GPA.
I have a GPA also.

Pamela Joy said...

That's so great! I love unexpectedly excellent grades!
My word verification is "yayxf" which I find to be very fitting as in "yay! no f's"!