
Confessions of an English Major

I discovered today that it is harder to keep in pace with someone you are walking behind rather than next to.
I was walking home from buying a smoothie, when I heard someone behind me say "and then we read some stuff by a guy who writes about taxi drivers and truck drivers". Hm. People talking about books. Let's see what else they have to say. "...and then we read Flannery O'Connor. And some Hawthorn". I'm wondering what in the WORLD class this could be. Then they start talking about "the lottery - I mean the Babylon lottery". Library, I correct them to myself. The one tells the other that it is a short story by Jorge Louis Borges, which he pronounces wrong. By this time they have passed me and I have to adjust my pace to keep within earshot. He mentions Toni Morrison. By now I am beyond confused about what class this might be. I'm even leaving things out - you have no idea what an insane class this might be. "Have you read Othello?" Alright, I get it: they're just talking about books they've had to read - ever. Not for one class they're in. Okay. Now I can rest in peace and stop stalking them. They were walking into the P.E. building anyway, and I had to take a right.

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