
Art Projects

Unforntunately I'm too busy for any art projects these days, but thankfully I have many friends who have the time (and classes) to make cool stuff!

Tori made me a sweet plate in ceramics, and also a bowl! I love them.

I used to sort of look on them as too pretty to use, but that's ridiculous.

I used the bowl to whisk eggs for my scrambled eggs on Saturday.


French day!

I love French - the language, culture, food, fashion. ahhhh. mmm. I would have majored or minored in French in college if I hadn't already had a double major.

My friend Tori is starting to study French with hopes for going to France, so we've decided to have French days! We started with just watching a French movie. The moved on to going to a fantastic French boulangerie + watching a French movie. Hopefully next movie night will involve French dinner.


Outdoors and the Weekend

Guess what they now carry at the Portland Nursery that they did not carry two years ago?
Kumquat trees.
Grrr. Oh well, I love my culumnar apples, too.