
Why, O Why

So I just had this epiphany: Oprah is boring and stupid.
At my babysitting ob tonight I had very little top do - the kids went to bed within the first hour and a half, and then I realized that I had left my book home. I next noticed that the only TV in the house was in the same room as the baby, of whom I had faced some small trouble putting to bed, but didn't want to risk waking up. Thankfully I had everything I needed to work on finishing my Bible study in my purse, though I knew it would be a feat of concentration to be able to focus on it for two and a half hours +. I put in a goodly effort, and was quite pleased with myself when I spotted the family's magazine rack. I am a sucker for magazines. But it only contained some Portland Monthly, something I didn't recognize, and "O". Having never actually watched oprah first hadn, or read her magazine (and I have always managed to avoid probbaly every book that has made it on to her book list), I thought, "Well, you can't go wrong with a July issue of a women's mag - it's bound to be interesting."
But nope. Oprah let me down. No interesting biographies. No fun makeup ideas. No health or exercise info. No good recipes (something to do with melon. Boo). No fashion. The closest thing to a point of interest was finding a reference to and interview with a woman from Portland. She's a life coach -wait, a self-esteem coach- who also writes books about being happy with yourself naked. Needless to say, let down again (and, yikes).
There wasn't even a good, tragic story! Oprah - who let you have a magazine? Stick to your TV show and your fluctuating weight and leave us readers to our own entertainment devices, and the world will be a happier place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I absolutly agree. Every experienced I've had with Oprah has been disapointing. Stick to Dr. Phil for psychoanalysis of people's problems. Far more entertaining.

Thanks for blogging, my life moves very slowly these nights...