
Last Day of Classes

Today was Josh's last day of classes... ever! Congratulations to my smart boy.

It was my last day of classes at the University of South Carolina. It has been an experience. I must say, I have really enjoyed my classes here. The professors (most of them) have been fantastic. And I suppose I have learned a lot. I have learned a lot from my professors and books, but also about life from my classmates, coworkers, study buddies, and friends.

USC has been full of surprises - from little tiny ants that bit really hard, to decent acai smoothies, to rude cafeteria people, to strange college paraphernalia, to girls in sorority shirts who are actually smart (there were a few!), to geckos landing on your head, to nice roommates and Justin Timberlake at the Strom (so rumors say).

Tonight, as I sit in my dorm, thankful for cold mashed potatoes and stale wheat thins while writing a paper arguing that France is better off in 2000 than it was in 1900, I feel like a college student. I might be glad these days aren't quite over yet.


Elleah said...

Congratulations Josh!! That's really exciting! YAAAAY!!!!!!

lyss said...

Yay to you for finishing another year of school! And to Josh for finishing ALL his years! How does it feel??

emelina said...

oh, the end is so bittersweet. congrats to josh!