
Finding Things Day

Today is a finding things day in the Schreck basement.
I found two things I love and have been oddly missing for a few weeks. Maybe a month or two. Things that I have managed to hold on to for quite a few years even though they are the kind of things that go missing.
My creative memories scissors (aka my hair scissors)
My old school canvas Trader Joes bag
Found and found!
I knew they had to be in places they semi-belonged, because I checked all the weird places (almost lost a pair of underwear today by trying to put them in the recycling rather than the laundry hamper), and they were.
I also (re)found my cooking ability, and my ability to say no to snack specials at WinCo.


Debbie Schreck said...

you have a basement? luv dad

Allison said...

well, i should say we Are a basement, rather than Have a basement.