

I don't blog as much as I used to. It makes me a little sad, as I really enjoy other people's blogs, as well as going back over blogs past.
Not blogging as much I think might be more of a getting-out-of-the-habit thing, rather than a life's-not-interesting thing. Though I do think part of it is that I don't have a portable camera, and I really like posting pictures with my words.
Also, I had thought not being in school, and thus not having tons of writing to do, would mean I would blog more, but it is really turning in to less. Might have something to do with not sitting in front a computer and needing to procrastinate.
I also think it has something to do with not riding the bus.


lyss said...

no doubt. one can't be a bus rider and have writer's block at the same time.

Pamela Joy said...

I have fallen completely out of the habit. I was at the stage you are at a few months ago. Now i seem to have disappeared altogether. But at least I still have it for really important events (like weddings) and for posting comments :)