
Unusual, Unexpected

This is our life:

Days off?
So, this week was expected to be a little crazy: Josh was going to be continuing to work tons all week plus two proms for us this weekend. The proms are still happening, but this week has been... slow? I think? We've found ourselves home - at the same time - two afternoons in a row. It's fantastic! It's like being unemployed again, only minus the no money thing. Josh going to work early/coming home early, and the computer system wigging out at the KP made for some nice, relaxing afternoons. And some overdue errands finally being accomplished. Such as the combining of mobile plans (we're a real family now!) and the purchasing of new phones! This was a rather long process that moved from me staring blankly at a website for an hour, to us hanging out at the Verizon store for another 2 hours. (We also ran into Dave Duke there. Random.) Let me just say how lame phones are right now. No brick phones for Josh. No tiny phones for me. Big phones and Qwerty keyboards. BLEH. However, we came out on top in the end with two awesome phones. It was totally worth taking up 3 hours of our afternoon off.
...Promptly followed by


First Thursday

1 comment:

lyss said...

Looks fun. And productive. I miss you. I don't want to hang out at the Verizon store for three hours, but I do want to be your friend and have dinner with you and go see new art.

Are you allowed to post any prom pics? Hehe, that would rock if you could.