
Fingers and Toes

I was pondering the phenomena of how inactivity seems to lower one's body temperature when I realized I had slightly wet socks on, leftover from my brief stand on the corner of Broadway and Hall in the pouring rain. I walked into my room to remedy this misery, but forgot my mission, distracted by the cold, and put on my hot pink fleece pants instead. And grabbed a second mug of SpiceTea. This worked for a bit. Until I decided to post pictures and write a paper. Typing always leaves my fingers frozen. Hm. Still cold er.
Then my mom came in and announced the heater hadn't been coming on and the house was 60 degrees. Ohhhhh.
My socks are still wet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least it's not 9 degrees like it is here. Hope you are good!