
What Dreams

People sometimes speculate or throw about theories regarding dreams.
If you have a favorite, have a go at this:

I was at a birthday party for this girl I know - it was as slumber party. For some reason her mom was in the living room with us (it was supposed to be her mom, but she actually was, in real life, the mom of another of my friends). And Josh. After a lot of boring details, it came to about 3 or 4am, and there was a knock on the door. The side door. And who might it be but John Kerry, trying to break into the house. BUT - he did not in any way resemble John Kerry, but rather, Benjamin Clark-Mitchell. Yes. Ben/John breaking into the house. Somehow we made him go away, but that is not important so I don't remember. The curious part is the Ben as a politician / politician as a robber part.


Anonymous said...

you should use that example for your borjes and calvinos class! (t)

Court said...

I can see Ben as a robber.... not sure about the other.