
Tis the Season.

I was recently telling someone in class how much I enjoy riding the bus. It's true. I love it: you can sleep, do homework, listen to music, not look for parking. I especially love that I, in my current bus rout, do not have to change buses at any time. Sweet.
Last evening's ride was particularly entertaining. Usually I catch the bus that all the noisy highschoolers get on. I also nearly get sat on. Yesterday's breed were, as I discovered, the more geeky kind. They are less likely to make lots of noise or sit on (or even near) you. They do, however, increase in volume when they are talking about topics they enjoy.
I heard a lull of adolescent male voices behind me, not taking much notice until I heard the words "stem cell research". Hm. A somewhat interesting topic. Then some uncertainty about babies. Creamation. Bio waste. Zombies! Now I'm really interested. I love it when boys talk about zombies. They begin arguing about how to go about creating zombies and how to make them mutate faster. Hm, yes. One seems to have the most plausable solution. They talk about zombies some more. I return to my ipod. Something about cloning zombies. Cloning Obama. Multiple Obamas - "Can you imagine what would happen? 10 Obamas?" "Yeah, lots of stuff!" "Lots of assasinations - they'd be killed all over the place!" "What? No they wouldn't..."
In short: Bus. Highschool boys. Stem cell research. Zombies. Obamas. This might be why I ride the bus.

1 comment:

OnTheMove said...

I know all about how zombies are created. My best friend is one. I do like your blog and I agree totally about bus journeys and they are much the same here in England (shorter obviously:-))I used to listen to music and stuff too. Ah happy days. DO you mind if I follow you? Thanks. D.