

I like Wednesdays and Thursdays - they are my Thursdays and Fridays. (Aka the end of the week.)

Yesterday was a particularly fabulous Wednesday:
-I did a stretching rutine before work, which meant less sore muscles, and more abiblity to sit straight and not get a headache (I also broke down and used the bolster pillow belonging to the guy who's cubicle I'm crashing in this week.)
-the system crashed at 7pm, so we got off early enough to be fun and not taking too big a pay cut
-Our friend Jesse from Capernwray unexpectedly showed up in Portland! So we spend the evening eating ridiculously spicy Thai food and wandering Powells
-I made two great buys at Powells! Found "The Fourth Bear" in a like new hardback for under $10, and a quirky, 60's looking edition of "Mrs. Dalloway's Party" for $3.50.

And now today is my Friday, and I'm looking forward to a weekend relaxing in nature and enjoying my anniversary.


Elleah said...

Can't believe you've been married a year already! Happy anniversary!

lyss said...

Mmm, Powells.

Is it weird how the same year can go really fast in some ways and really slow in other ways? I feel like I've been gone for a year, but your wedding doesn't seem that long ago. Has it gone quickly for you guys? Happy anniversary! ;*

Debbie Schreck said...

Life is good! I read "The Fourth Bear" about a week or two ago. It was ridiculous!