
Thankyou Jesus

We've had the director from Tauernhof, Hans Peter Royer, speaking to us this week on "Turning Truth into Experience". I can't explain any other way than to say it's been powerfuly simple and profound at the same time. One of the first things he spoke to us on was just the simple obediance of saying "thankyou" to God when ever *anything* happens. So this week, when stupid little things have gone wrong, I've tried to work on that. Haven't always been successful, naturally, but it has been pretty cool as far as seeing the results (my sanity).
Some of those cool little things that God's done this week:
Left extra weight in Erin and my suitacases so that I can send more with her and mail less.
Provided a hostel yesterday for Ester weekend (yeah I thought we were gona live on the street).
Gave a lot of people the inclination to be really nice and cool and helpful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so im pretty much the worst of your friends but i like you still. my leg is gushing blood from my soccer game. and im kickin it with rose on spring break (ill probably stand her up though) so hah. have fun in europe (ie i dont know where you are ever).