
Are You Kidding Me

So, I was just about to post a complaint. It's 5 o'clock on a beautiful hot saturday afternoon, I went to probably the most fun bbq I've ever been to last night, came home, slept for 10 hours, went on an incredible/intense hike in the alps where at the summit we jumped into a lake then hiked through the snow (in our wet clothes) to a beyond gorgeous waterfall, stopped at a little hut where we drank fresh schatbeermilch (blackberry milk), and then hiked back to the vans in the valley (walley as our german speaking friends tend to say). Now I'm back at T-hof, tummy full of gelato and checking my email. How the flippin heck was I going start winging.
Not to mention that this week has been awesome: Rob lecturing, God teaching all of us so much (espeically through Rob), "Pants on Fire", sunshine, 3 outreaches, stick bread, friends. For goodness sake.
Janell and I were talking today and were trying to appreciate *everything* possible about where we are. And (this shows a little of how much I've been learning this week) it didn't make me sad that I was leaving. It just made me realize a little better how blessed I am. So appreciate wherever you are today. It's fun.
[btw, I was going to complain that I only got email from 2 people. Hehe.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you're getting to enjoy and appreciate all of that :)