
Never A Cradle-Robber Again.

Happiest of birthdays to my Joshua, who is tragically 3000 miles away, inhibiting my celebration with him of this momentous day. (The day ensuring that I will no longer hear remarks such as, "You're dating a teenager??".)


All I've Gotta Say Is...

My Chinese Film professor had better like my paper 1 rewrite because I just put about 3 hours of work into it and it's not even finished. Close, but not quite. And not to mention the amount of thought and research I'm putting into it. She expects me to have 2 more done by next week? Oo that's a good idea: Kill off your students from hard work and insanity and then you'll never have to actually grade their papers!


Ding Ding Ding

I thought to myself, "God must know I don't have money". Haha. Of course He knows, and of course He cares. How do I so often forget? Today, for the second wednesday in a row I got free coffee. And tonight, the same guy who told me it was my fault my phone was broken accidentally pushed the wrong button resulting in a free phone for Allison!
In other news, I am successfully registered for 3 out of 4 classes for Fall. Hard to think about the classes I'll be taking in 4 months while I still have 4 papers to write and 3 finals. Middle Eastern Studies, Modern Art History section 1 and Mark Twain, here I [slowly] come.


Grr Roar [Whines].

I woke up tired and disgruntled this morning after a series of dreams involving sand, car chases, sneaking through some house and fear of small places such as the little sideways backseat of a pickup. I reached over to my phone to see what time it was, and on opening it witnessed 3 little pieces of my phones fall to the floor. Now it hangs together by one hinge. Please don't break. I left the house late after making a series of stressed phonecalls regarding the phone situation, but managed arriving at the stop 2 seconds before the 8. The Mark Building was open, finally, but it was sadly filled with highschoolers. Nothing can dampen the experience of P.A.M., though, with its new German Expressionist installation (go check it out) and my discovery of the 4th floor of the building - there aren't just three. Amazing. It stopped raining by the time I exited down the stairs and proceeded up the remaining 5 or 6 blocks to Chinese Film, wherein we started a thus far good film, Chinese Box, but received our Narrative Structure papers. I am now meeting with the professor at 9:30 tomorrow. I rushed back to church (I wanted get to the mall to get the phone problem taken care of), turned on Sister Maria, threw her in reverse, and noticed the green Camery behind me. Close one. I hopped out of the car and as I headed toward the office, Nancy came out and moved her car for me. At the Verizon Kisok, the girl informed me that my problem was a common one she has seen, and that I should head downstairs to the Verizon store and get it taken care of. FORTY minutes later, the customer service man told me that it was my fault and that my particular model of phone was not under the normal 1 year warranty (I've had this one since last June), but he could give me another for $50. Thanks for believing me, buddy. Also, somewhere along the line I missed a few phone calls, one informing me that my thursday job is cancelled, and wasted about 15 minutes trying to get unofficial transcripts that I can actaully just print offline from my house.
Good thing I don't have lack of sunshine depression on top of it all, or this might have turned into a bad day.


Funny Like That.

Maybe it comes from not living together very often, but Josh and I have some difficulty when it comes to planning and carrying out dates. Maybe because the nervous anticipation of wondering what kind of impression you're going to be making on the other person doesn't really exist for us because we know each other so well. Maybe we just got accustomed to having unplanned (yet not premeditated) so called "dates" (as Janell insists they were) at Capernwray that either consisted of shirking dish-clearing duty by sitting for an hour talking after tea, or finding a quiet place on saturday and watching a movie.
On the other hand, one might consider all the totally rad things we've gotten to do together dates - and in that case, we're very organized and pretty much master the task.This past visit, we had a pretty funny experience with the whole date thing. And unfortunately, since I was the hostess this time, the blame falls on me. The thing is that I wanted Josh to experience Thai food. Thai food is yummiest ever and we have loads of Thai places in Portland, so I thought that'd be a good idea. To make a long story short, I picked somewhere I'd never been, ended up looking for it in NW rather than NE Portland, adding an extra half hour of driving, upon arrival, discovered that the place only took cash (whaa?), and ended up having to go somewhere else that I knew I liked and probably should have just gone to in the first place. Then we drove around a bit after, trying to decide if we wanted Coffee Time or not, and when we decided we did, and after waiting in line forever (since they always only have one barista), received really nasty, incorrectly made chai. Whaaaaaat is up.

But it was fun anyway
: we had fun joking around about how frustrating and awkward it would have been if it really had been our 3rd date in a normal amount of time (not 3rd in a year as is the case); Josh discovered that he likes Thai; and I finally wore a dress on a date.
And the moral of the story is: Good company makes up for bad plans.


Pamela bought me a bran muffin!




(For those who wanted to see smiling pictures.)

Sunny Day, or, Back to Grammar School

One upon a time, there was a girl who was very sad because her very favorite boy in the whole wide world walked away through a metal detector and disappeared for what she knew would be a very longish time (two months). But this story isn't as bad as you might think, because he left for her a cd full of sweet songs that made her quite happy (not in a happy excited way, but in rather of a happy + sigh way - but happy, nonetheless), and not only that, but he left her with a head full of great memories and hope form a trip to a warm beach that would be soon to come. Also, she couldn't be too sad because she had a laptop called Stuart filled with pictures from the week, a mom who stayed up to listen to her talk about the boy even though she had a migraine, and some wonderful friends in her life who did nice things like send her encouraging emails and leave her cute little notes to see when she went to brush her teeth.
The End.
(Well, not really. More like, "To be continued with pictures")


The Good, The Bad, and The ... Kinda Gross

Well it's been an interesting last few days - not exactly interesting in the way I was expecting, but that is okay, ya know? Life doesn't have to go my way all the time or anything.

The Good:
My amazing sister graduated!
And there was a really fun graduation dinner with family and (a) friend. (or is she a friend? hahaha we love Stephanie)
I was able to eat some fondue.
Sigur Rossss
My Ling390 prof let me take my midterm 3 days late.
My Arh493 prof doesn't believe in essay sections in exams. (I had no idea life could get so good.)
Pastor Mike is doing a series on Revelation.
My family is very nice to me. :D
Joshy comes tomorrow!!!!

The Bad:
I had to miss school on friday.
I had to go to school today.
I was too tired to do much studying yesterday.
It was cold today.

The Kinda Gross:
I puked a bunch on thursday night. Yeah. Icky.


You Know You Live in Portland When

...in the space of half a block you come accross multiple angry-at-america bumperstickers, such as: "Free America" or the ever popular "Bush Lies".

A flattering portrait of myself, compliments of one Katharine Orr, age 5.


Happy May, my Friends

Jon [Stewart] on the new standing seats created by Airbus:

"The company Airbus is considering adding standing-room only seats to their planes to maximize the number of passengers. Basically, you'd be in a padded board with a harness... thank God, because if I've ever had one complaint about air travel it has always been this: it is far too comfortable."