
Faces of Lovelies


Megs said...

my dearest ally i hope to see these lovely faces oh sooo soon! yay you posted! you are still alive i was worried!

Becky said...

Hi! Your blog makes me so happy, I love to check in on you and see that you are always there, smiling, being silly, loving Josh and just being you! I hope we catch up soon, but if not its nice to know you're happy!

Pamela Joy said...

I really miss you Ally. Call me sometime when you're driving!

emelina said...

CANADA? so jealous. i...went to a campfire at my friend Kristi's house last night, though. it was pretty sweet, so you can be jealous of that...

Lola Bacon said...

Milli, you're still coming over on Thursday, right? Please?