
Look at Me and My Bad Self.

I love the Art Museum so much - but I have this tendency to do something I don't think I'm supposed to do. See, in England, not only the are the museums free, but you can also take as many pictures as you like. That's pretty cool - something I got used to. So I always feel somehow cheated when I'm at a museum here and don't take pictures. Is it even banned? I don't know, but I'm not selling my photos or anything, so I figure I should be able to have my pictures.Speaking of art, here's some of my own art. My own collage art, that is. The images belong to my classmates, but the compositions and photographs are mine.


Emma Rose said...

Egypt? ... can we go to the art museum next weekend??

emelina said...

egypt. i have been there. yes i have. i didn't get a tan, though.

lyss said...

You went! You went! ...I haven't yet... Good pictures.

Pamela Joy said...

Ooo, you are bad. Remember when we got in trouble for taking pictures? This very picture you are seeing in the little box in the corner of this commen is one such illegaly taken picture.