
Powell's Reviews

I was browsing Powell's reviews at work today and discovered a few books I wasn't aware of. As if I need more books to be interested in or want to read! But it's so good to have books to look forward to while you're reading good books... it's horrible to finish a book with no immediate prospects of a really good read on the horizon.
[Currently reading Prodigal God, The Island of the Day Before, and Not Buying It: My Year without Shopping]




lyss said...

Crazy, I read the synopsis for the A Million Miles book and that idea is something I've been thinking a lot about since I've been away! Hm, I'll have to steal your copy when I come back (because I'm sure you'll have gotten your own copy by then!)...

word ver: Montappl (but i think of manatee people somehow)

Em said...

so what's this shopping book?