
Whining session; zou amz not want to read this.

Not so fair.
I just read on Litaäs blog that Skzlarr wished she and Bob a Merrz Christmas. I want to be jealous. Ö) But thatäs okaz. I wont be I wont. Becyuse, I mean... 4 wonderful people called me and left messages. That was lovelz.
)this post is being written from a euro kezboard and i have no desire to relearn how to tzpe, so figure it out. muahaha=
What is uuuuupppppp... mz email wont open. Östicks tongue outÖ
I have a cold and have not been sleeping because of it.
K, Iäm done.

So, good things:
I am learing a few words/sentances in German. Good times.
Helga and Wadim kick serious butt.
So do AJ and Anna.
The train from Kaiserslautern to Beilefeld runs a good waz along the Rhine. Beautiful.
There is snow everzwhere.
Mz stomach is full of Chinese food. And tea.
The room is full of the sounds of familz and Capernwraz with Casting Crowns in the background and a kezboard clicking in the foreground.
I got to be a part of a jr hi retreat zesterdaz.
I am tzping on a kezboard that has the Funnest Ever kezs: °§ßüöäµ HAH.
OOPS. haha. Couldnt get caps lock off there for a minute. Heh. Iäve got it all undercontrol now.
No more bad attitude. Now zou dont have to regret that zou read this.


emelina said...

oh.my.gosh, mili you make me laugh SO HARD!!!
This weekend, i am hopefully going to get a new phone card. THen my old phone card will be free to blow the rest of the minutes on calling you.
happy now?
i just got back from a 2 day bachelorette party...yippee. 5 bottles of sparkling cider and 2 pizzas later...

Josh said...

Hey I almost called you the other night, but your phone's dead, so I didn't. Sounds like home! Only eight days, see ya soon. The Orange Revolution is still kicking in Kiev.

Allison said...

yaaay emilina - please call me after the 4th :D mmm im excited. i miss you.
yoshel - mmmm my phone isnt dead... it just hates me, i am begining to think. or at least vodofone.de does. mb you too could call after im back in england and have charged my phone. thatd be cool. yaaaay for seeing you soon!!! ee.