
Crying While Eating


What she's eating:
Plain bagel with garlic hummus and cucumber

What she's crying about:
Poverty in South America


Pamela Joy said...

I think this might really confuse some people who aren't in on it. Maybe you should include the link to the website on this post.
Love you.
(The truth is that I was really crying about rising gas prices anyway).

Allison said...

Good point.
As Emily discovered, www.cryingwhileeating.com is SO FUNNY and I recomend going and checking it out. This was Pamela and my version.

Janice said...

oh you guys are crying about gas prices? those of you in oregon should be happy while you still can, you have some of the best gas prices in the states. and i'm paying in vancouver what works out to about $4.50 a gallon. if my car wasn't so cute and fun to drive, i'd take the bus.

emelina said...

you guys are amazing!
yes, please include the link in the post, Mili.

Much, much, much love to you.