

As I was rushing around this morning, trying to get out the door by 7:25am - a time when I don't want to even be alive, I stopped to fill my my Nalgene. I had a moment, there in the kitchen all cloud lit and blurred by my sleepy eyes not yet adjusted to my contacts. It was such a lovely moment: me, standing next to the sink, filling up my Nalgene.
It has been a long time. It made me feel like I could rock climb well again, or go to a lecture or class without being dehydrated, or not litter the earth with a nasty disposable water bottl
e ever again.
It felt like an old friend. Though this one does not have my snowboarding stickers, or that nasty smell they get in the rim no matter how well you clean them, or all the scratches and scrapes from being dropped and tossed.
The only other Nalgene I have had was lost, tragically, in London, the third time I was there. I have been making do with a Starbucks water bottle, as well as an assortment of other liquid holding containers. But they're not so nice.

And certainly not so nice as this one:
Alyssa got it for me for my birthday. I love it. It combines my love of water and outdoor things and no trash with Portland and books and being a geek. Fantastically miraculous! Who knew it was possible. And speaking of books and geeky-ness: here is a picture of me with my new, disgusting, Bertie Bott's.
Oh yeah.


Unknown said...

mmm... bertie botts.

hey what day will you be down in chucktown again?? is it the weekend of the 13th?

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

I was just chillin in London the other day and I came across your Nalgene. It was just sitting there on a park bench reading a newspaper. I could probably send it to you. But then again, you have your new one. You are a little bit of a booknerd Allison, and I love you for it. I know that's not even a word, but it might be one day.