

This morning I talked myself into getting up on time - and showering - so I could get to class on time. I didn't want to skip class because we have an exam scheduled for Thursday.
I am sick, but walked half an hour to get there anyway. We sat around for about 10 minutes while the p
rof and ta tried to get a film clip to work (of which I watched the entire thing last night somehow). It didn't work, and he dismissed us, telling us we would watch it Thursday. I went up and asked him about the exam and he said we weren't having one yet. That is a pain because I already started studying, and now that test is going to end up in the same week as another one. Sigh.
But it wasn't all a loss. I left class and decided to stop at the school library on the way home to check out the exhibit of illuminated manuscripts
my Northern Renaissance Art History prof had raved about. It was fantastic! There was everything from tiny Books of Hours to huge lectern Psalters. They also had some history books, Bibles, and pages out of similar items. It was very exciting.

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