
You're gonna need pencil and paper for this...

So, here is the deal these are the thirty odd finalists. The choice is yours what happens to them. This is what you need to do. First, go find a Post-It note, 3x5 card, notebook paper, or envelope. Second, your favorite marker, pen, pencil, or Sharpie. Third, your favorite piece of jazz music. If you don't have any I would suggest looking up something on YouTube (Seriously, you need some jazz music cause for some reason there is some bluegrass song on the slide show. Turn the sound off if you have to). Then watch the video and pick your top 10 photographs. They don't have to be in a specific order, just your 10 favs. Then post your fav 10 (if you need you can just make a list of numbers - 1 being the first photograph) That's it, no expository commenting necessary. Oh, and pick one that you think is the worst (not necessarily bad, but the worst at of the bunch)

1 comment:

OffBelay said...

This is hard Josh..

I am working on it though.