
Winter Retreat

"Day-homie!" Weekend t-shirt
A view of the Smokey Mountains from the slopes.
One of many (much needed) snow blowers.
Josh and I at the top of the run.

Log cabin suburbia.
Apres ski spa night!

Never having worked with high schoolers, I had not realized what a difference a few years makes. Every time the girls in my room cleaned up after themselves, or got up when they needed to, I was amazed. Jr hi is very different. I love both, don't get me wrong, but this weekend really was a bit more like a retreat. We all had such a great time. God worked in the kids and the leaders, as well. It was so fun getting to know the group, too - 40 kids and 9 leaders.
To sum it up: no injuries, lots of prayer, word games and really cool kids.

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