
"Food! For People Who Are... Underprivileged!"

[I got a little bored with the way cloudy saturday afternoon pictures turn out... just in case anyone was wondering about the photos.]
Saturday, as our contribution to the 30 hr Famine, the Jr hiers went out into a nearby neighborhood to ask door-to-door for canned food. Well, first, we stood in front of the church building with some of the High schoolers and aided in the general yelling, waving mayhem to attract attention to the cause.
This picture is only a semi-accurate depiction of what the scene entailed. Micah was usually on the verge of being run over while unintentionally appearing to be throwing cans of food at passing vehicles. Molly looks pretty foreboding herself in this one. Olivia looks her usual enthusiastic. These kids have excellent self-assurance and evidently great zeal for feeding the hungry. Good cause + good fun = good saturday afternoon.

Someone had the brilliant idea to take a long a wheelbarrow for carting the bags of food. Somehow I found myself with the job of wheeling one while these three lovely ladies knocked on doors.

Here we have collected people, rather than canned goods. (I think I'll leave it at that.)


Pamela Joy said...

3 cheers for 30 hour famine. I attribute A LOT of my heart for the needy to this event which I participated in (including fasting) I believe every year from age 9 to age 18. I love World Vision and I love seeing kids get excited about helping people!

Court said...

I love doing the 30 hour famine when I was a wee tot. Ally I miss you.