
Close to Plath

So two days ago a pigeon poo'd on the sidewalk 5 centimeters from my flip flopped foot, someone fired a round from a car 5 blocks from me, and the strings on my guitar threatened to break; SNL was Linguistics class, Andy Warhol with his fright wigs and celebrities dominated Art History; I bought a plane ticket to Charlotte. One day ago class was skipped for mom-time, lunch was skipped for cereal, homework was skipped for scooter races and living room sitting. Today, french homework and a bedtime story by Sylvia Plath read, I made my way to Trader Joe's where dinner was found: a variety pack of sushi and 16 oz of Very Green, Joe's inexpensive alternative to Superfood. Minus the sunshine, a typical week in Oregon.


Megs said...

a typical week in oregon sounds enthralling, a typical week in langley seems boring. love love

emelina said...

last night i had a dream that i was in trader joe's and stole a piece of california roll from a package and ate it with chopsticks and then put the package back.

i felt really guilty this morning.

Allison said...

AHhhahhahaha!!! heehehehee Oh that's so awesome.