
The Many Faces of Allison

Photographs Courtesy of Zoe Herbert-Hohn, age 3 (my cousin once removed).
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Megs said...

YES! I love it!! OH man it reminds me of our times in room 4. *sigh* there was too little of that second semester. YAY I get to see you in 4 days!!!!!!!!!!! OUT of CONTROL! hahaha love ya alley

Josh said...


° ÐãVeØ ° said...

That top left one kinda freaked me out...
Ok, it really freaked me out.

lyss said...

Uh, who knew such a lovely face could do such...unlovely things? (I'm allowed to say that because we all know you don't normally look like...that.) ;)

emelina said...

i miss your face that close.