

(random delights of this Easter)


Bla nótt yfir himininn

Bla nótt yfir mér
Horf-inn ut um gluggann
Minn með hendur
Faldar undir kinn
Hugsum daginn minn
Í dag og i gær

-Thunder and lightening on Easter.

-Cadbury Eggs and green tea.

-Harry Potter nerdiness and homework procrastination.


Megs said...

OH OH I wish i were a part of hte harry potter nerdiness and procrastination!! next time!

Pamela Joy said...

:-( I wish I could come back! Tomorrow, I promise!! Or at least... maybe not quite PROMISE but the next closest thing to that.

Janice said...

weird...your blog was effing up my computer really bad for a bit there but it seems to be all better now. strange.

i miss you ally.

Court said...

I'm with Janice,,,, yeah it works again.
I miss you also and want to be in you presence and able to talk to you.