
Oh Father of Modern Art

I have spent the better part (when I wasn't procrastinating) of the afternoon and early evening twisting and wringing my brain to produce some 516 words regarding Piet Mondrian and his article "Natural Reality and Abstract Reality" (1919).

I though
t of posting the article.
I thought of posting my respons
e ["in your own words please summarize"].

thought of how much I love those innocents who so caringly read my blog.
I thought better of it.

Please, enjoy the paintings.


emelina said...

oooh, heart for that tree

Allison said...

For real. Doesn't it just blow you away? My prof commented in class on how much she is in love with it. I think I love it more.

Pamela Joy said...


Josh said...

wow. nice pic of you

Megs said...

hey kiddo! yeah, the tree is magnificent and i'm a fan for sure.

ps. i'm also a fan of ...YOU!

Béthany said...

hey ally

thank you for fielding my calls for pam :) i did get through to her that one day.ive been sorta busy since, and never really said thank you to you :)

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Those are great paintings! Although I don't get the bottom one. What is it supposed to be?
The trees are great though.

Allison said...

Pictures are titled as follows: Gray Tree, Ocean and Pier, Composition with Black, Red, Gray, Yellow and Blue.

Court said...

Me, You and an art museum. Sounds like a date to me.