
My Summer

This "Back to School" week got me thinking: if I had to write that familiar First Day of School Essay "What I did this summer" what would I say for 2004?
Surely the page would be filled with fabulous friends and trips to the beach and crazy ideas and good literature... but no. Granted, those things were wonderful and many, but when think about it, the significant and impacting aspect of my summer that would be found on the final draft is simply an ordinary day as a nanny. It could be summed up in a day like today: 4 boys, 4 lunches, 2 trips in the car, play gunfights, a few errands to run, a few things to organize, a stop to visit friends, a stop at church, good talks with family, a good random phone call. Throw in an extra kid (or two), or an extra car trip, or change the people in the visits or phone calls, and you have my summer.
And it was good.
The way God provides for our needs is extraordinary, amen? God knew that I would need the order and consistancy of working "normal hours" this summer to balance out the chaos of getting ready to move when I had been expecting to still be at Starbucks. He knew that I would learn so much from being with the kids all the time. He knew I needed time to read and be reminded of His control and His faithfulness.
And He did it.
And I am humbled.

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