
To Sleep, or Not to Sleep

And I wonder: which is more important? To be well rested and healthy, or to talk to good friends and do more email? It sounds calloused to go with the first, but unintelligent to go with the second. Concidering the ample ammounts of caffine I have ingested today, the later is quite tempting, but it only aggrivates the first.
To sleep, perchance to dream, perhaps to compromise: tomorrow I'll drink wheatgrass and sleep in.


emelina said...

how many days do you have left again? gosh, i miss wheatgrass. and this morning, i was sitting in theatre class, whishing i was at the Montage. how random is that?? oh, the things i'd do for a foil leftovers animal...

Allison said...

Ooo... I was going to try to get over to the big M before going. Yeah not gona happen. Why did you have to go and remind me?? ;) We should just make our own foil animals in our own various locations while we're gone. That'd be good fun.

Anonymous said...

To Sleep or Not To Sleep.... that is a very good question! I ask myself that every night and I must say To sleep tends to make itself more appealing as the night goes on... Its true... Its happened before.