
I Like That.

Somehow never before has it come to my attention a very curious thing that Blogger prompts the already over addicted internet users of the blogworld to do: Choose an identity. This interesting command presupposes that we all have more than one identity. It also served as a reminder of the amazing (possibly terrible?) power of the internet to provide masks and barriers for all sorts of people. But conversely, it rather made my day. I now feel like a superhero.

This morning, Emilina and I discovered the Boulangerie et Patisserie Francais dans le District Pearl. The very place Pamela and I searched for exactly one week ago with no avail. And, oddly enough, St Honore was not what we were looking for this morning.
Perhaps they are magical places which can only be found by not looking for them while simultaneously desiring them. (St Honore etait tres delicieux.)

In the same way as last saturday was German Day (for Pamela and me), yesterday was Euro Day. Fabulous! And the weekend is swiftly becoming French Weekend.


Pamela Joy said...

Glad you found it. Maybe we can try again sometime. I'm looking forward to trying out the one we have here in corvalis.
Happy Euro day!

Pamela Joy said...

P.S. I just got sea salt to soak my eyebrow in. Too bad I didn't check that out earlier, we could have been soaking buddies.
Oh, and I finally got a Sufjan Stevens cd! You're going to have to listen, you will like it muchly.

Janice said...

*nerd moment approaching* holy crap, it's like the opposite of the room of requirement!