
Water in the Air

Here in SoCar the summer brings lots of water. Not so much water in sprinklers or pool, the only places to find it in the NW in the summer, but in the air, in the trees, on the ground and hovering over the rich, sepia mud they like to call rivers. It is also to be found all over one's body: clothes, skin, hair... I discovered that if you wear shorts that are even the slightest bit loose while painting a deck in the sun for five hours it is possible you might loose them. Nearly loose them. Water is also warm. Not as warm as the first part of the hose water that has been sitting in the sun, but warmer than your pool at home that has been sitting in the sun; not as warm as a hot tub, but warmer than the leftover venti starbucks cup of water that once had ice in it early that morning when you ordered a late and decided that caffeine on an empty stomach might make you dehydrated. There is this pleasant pastime wherein one grabs a kickboard, walks out into the ocean and floats in the waves, sometimes going under, sometimes riding over.


lyss said...

sheesh! And I thought it was humid here! I take you're having fun in spite of the all-encompassing water? Hope so! Glad it was only a NEAR loss of shorts!

Emma Rose said...

you make me homesick...

Unknown said...

i hate to say it, but it really wasn't that bad while you were here!! we didn't break any records. :-) come back in the springtime when it's pretty! and by spring i mean march. it's too hot in april.

Pamela Joy said...

you´re back now right? I hope you had sooooo much fun. I will arrive Monday morning at 9 am I believe. Come if you can and want to but if not that´s totally cool I´ll be really wiped I´m sure and my parents are picking me up on their way home from Norway so i doubt I´ll be sticking around. But either way I´ll see you really really soon! I can´t wait to hear all and tell all!
love you Roomie.

Pamela Joy said...

woops, I just checked and I arrive at 11 not nine. Aahhh, me and flight information... I´ll tell ya! Good thing I have other people around me!

Em said...

so glad you came, the deck would have done me in with the heat I have to say, but it looks so great, thanks!!