
For All Those Who Thought We Were Normal.

I know you are few, but to those who have a limited knowledge of how crazy my boyfriend and I are: These pictures are for you. Especially for those who think Josh is "normal", as he calls himself - after almost a year out in Portland with me and all these awesomely insane jr hiers, he's joined the ranks.

...heh... after looking at these pictures I can't help but see that it is mostly me looking insane, but I want you to note how happy he looks with all the craziness. And please observe the energy drink he is holding - that might also have had something to do with the look of sanity.


lyss said...

Haha, before I read that last paragraph, I was going to say that it was mostly you who looked crazy. But I guess you know that already. Josh isn't normal though, I KNOW... After hearing those I'm-drivig-to/from-san-fransisco-and-i-want-you-to-put-food-in-my-mouth squalks, I've no doubt. ;)

You sure do keep things interesting... What is that thing on your heads?

Megs said...

awe he does look happy!!! OOOhhh the insanity. i remember the exact time i knew that josh was not "normal" but closer to our personalities than he would have thought...it was on the skytrain in vancouver, it's caught on film. it's him swaying and singing " do doo do dooo do doo do dooo" over and over...i think i may watch that right now. SEE YOU IN THREE DAYS!! LOve love

Pamela Joy said...

Yay! You guys look happy. I can't wait till I have lots of happy boyfriend pictures too, so far we only have 3 not great pictures. I will come up on Saturday for sure. You should call me whenever you're next free. I'm always free right now...