
I Swear I Watch the Road

5 Points to any Portlander who can identify this intersection: Posted by Picasa


Emma Rose said...


Allison said...

5 Points to Rosie!! I almost exempted Emilina from the game, but I underestibmated you. I suppose you would know best, actaully, as you would be the only one besides me actually driving that block all the time.

Emma Rose said...

That is awesome. I have never been underestibmated in my life! :D But see, you don't have to be *from* Portland to be smart. heheh

emelina said...

hey, you just got here first. i was busy yesterday. but before i looked, i said broadway and 14th too! I should get like 2 points.

girls, i want us to have coffee or something. maybe after you get out of class today or tomorrow?

Lola Bacon said...

Hey hey me! me! I knew too!

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

Just wanted to point out that in England it is illegal to be on your phone and drive at the same time, unless it's a hands-free, (which have to be providedd with every phone purchased) let alone taking a photo!
If caught, you're likely to go straight to jail, and depending on your current location you most likely wouldn't be passing Go, and I'm pretty sure nobody would give you anywhere near £200. Maybe like 20 pence max.

° ÐãVeØ ° said...

p.s. I said Broadway and 14th too!

Allison said...

Ah haha! :joyful sqeals:
But.. my points jar is getting so low now! 5 points for all of you? You guys are awesome.
Daveo... you think I'm going to give you 5 points when you won't even award me 20p??!! Geez.